Adequacy Standards
Police Action At Labour Disputes
Policy No: 02/00-51
Effective Date: July 26, 2000
Legislative/Regulatory Requirements
Section 29 of the Adequacy Standards Regulation requires a police services board to have a policy on police action in respect of labour disputes. In addition, section 20 requires the Chief of Police to establish procedures on police action in respect of labour disputes.
Board Policy
It is the policy of the Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board with respect to police action at labour disputes that:
the role of the police at a labour dispute is to preserve the peace, prevent offences, and enforce the law including offences against persons and property, in accordance with the powers and discretion available to a police officer under the law; and
the Chief of Police will establish procedures on:
the role of the police at a labour dispute;
providing information to management, labour and the public on police procedures during a labour dispute; and
secondary employment under section 49 of the Police Services Act and labour disputes.