Policy Development And Review Process
Policy No: 02/05
Date Approved: August 31, 2005
Policy Development and Review
Policy development and review is a governance responsibility of the Police Services Board (‘the Board’). An effective policy development and review process assists the Board in governing the York Regional Police effectively.
Governance policies provide a framework for sound decision making and accountability. It is through policies that citizens hold the Board accountable for decisions affecting quality service delivery and the effective use of resources. Through its policies, the Board holds the Chief of Police accountable for compliance with its strategic directions.
Board policies are developed to meet identified needs and to address existing and emerging issues. In the absence of a stand-alone Board policy, a resolution by the Board as recorded in the Minutes of a Board meeting shall be deemed to be Board policy.
Role of the Executive Director
The Executive Director is responsible for policy development and review on behalf of the Board. In developing Board policies, the Executive Director shall adhere to the following principles.
Principles of Policy Development
Board policies shall be developed in compliance with the Police Services Act and its Regulations, other applicable legislation, government policies, and the direction of the Board.
Board policies shall be developed in consultation with stakeholders, as appropriate. Generally, consultation will take place with the Chairman of the Board, the Regional Solicitor, other Police Services Boards, and the Chief of Police.
Board policies shall be supported by information that is accurate, relevant, current and complete.
Board policies shall be written in language that is clear, understandable and precise.
Board policies shall be high level or strategic in nature. Operational procedures for the York Regional Police will not be included in Board policies.
Board policies shall support the Board’s vision and mission statement and be internally consistent.
Consideration shall be given to the practices of other jurisdictions.
Consideration shall be given to any negative implications of policy implementation for the Board, the York Regional Police and the citizens of York Region.
Board policies shall be prepared in a format that will include the following, as appropriate:
Policy number
Effective Date
Policy Statement
Application and Scope
Policy Principles
Policy Guidelines
Statutory Authority
Responsibilities of the Chief of Police/other
Reporting Requirements
All Board policies shall be approved by the Board.
Policy Review Process
Board policies must be current to be credible and effectively implemented.
To ensure the integrity of Board policies, the Executive Director shall review them annually or in response to changes in statutory requirements, government policies, or the direction of the Board. During the policy review process, the Executive Director shall consult with stakeholders, as appropriate.
Amended policies shall be submitted to the Board in a timely manner for approval.
Responsibilities of the Chief of Police
The Chief of Police shall comply with Board policies in directing the York Regional Police and shall ensure that Board policies are communicated to Members of the York Regional Police in a timely manner.
Board’s Governance Manual
The Board’s Governance Manual is the repository for all Board policies. The Executive Director shall ensure that the Governance Manual is accurate, relevant and complete and that it is updated annually or as required. The Executive Director shall also maintain an electronic file of Board policies and an updated policy index.
To facilitate compliance with Board policy, the Executive Director shall provide a Governance Manual to Board Members, the Regional Solicitor, the Chief of Police and the Deputy Chiefs of Police. In addition, the Executive Director shall provide Board policies to the Executive Officer to the Chief of Police and the senior managers in attendance at Board meetings.
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