Board Meeting Highlights - October 27, 2021
2022 York Regional Police Budget
The Police Services Board approved the 2022 net Operating Budget for York Regional Police of $376.8 million, which is a 4.49 percent increase over the 2021 Budget and includes the addition of 27 staff for combating serious and violent crimes, organizational effectiveness and transformation, and advancing learning and development. The 2022 Police Operating Budget continues to maintain the lowest policing cost per capita in Canada among comparable police services serving populations of over 1 million residents.
The Board also approved the 2022 York Regional Police Capital Budget of $32.8 million. The expenditures include $8.6 million for information technology, $11.7 million for vehicles, $1.3 million for communication equipment, $8.7 million for facilities primarily for the completion of #1 District Headquarters and $2.5 million for specialized equipment. Financing for the capital budget is a combination of contributions from reserves, debenture proceeds repaid from development charges, debt reduction reserve funding, development charge collections and external funding.
The 2022 Police Budget will be tabled at Committee of the Whole in December.
The New Community Safety Data Portal
York Regional Police created a new Community Safety Data Portal (CSDP) which will be launched during crime prevention month in November 2021. The portal which aligns with the Business Plan, was designed by the Business Intelligence and Analytics team to support greater transparency and community engagement. The portal allows the community to engage and participate in community safety and well-being as a shared responsibility. The portal replaces the public crime map and will have enhanced features and functionality. Key new features will include: crime map with built in crime prevention tips and community safety alerts; dashboard that will provide regional and municipal statistics and trends; a dedicated road safety map; and comprehensive open data downloads among other core features. Community Safety Portal and Presentation
Inspector General: Inspectorate of Policing Mandate
The Board received a presentation from Inspector General of Policing Devon Clunis and his team. Inspector General Clunis, Deputy Inspector General Ken Weatherill and Executive Data Officer, Dr. Michelle Lloyd provided an overview of its mandate in advance of the new legislation coming into effect in April 2022. The presentation can be viewed on the livestream of the Board meeting.
Next Regular Meeting of the Police Services Board
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. and will be live-streamed on YouTube. Further instructions on the broadcast will be posted on the Board website. All meetings will be held virtually until further notice.
Contact: Mafalda Avellino, Executive Director,
The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board is a seven-member civilian Board that oversees and governs the York Regional Police and is comprised of one member as Head of Municipal Council; three members are appointed by resolution of Regional Council and three by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
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