Board Meeting Highlights - October 5, 2022
Order of Merit of the Police Forces
The Board congratulated Chief Jim MacSween and Deputy Chief Robertson Rouse on receiving the Order of Merit of the Police Forces. The award honours leadership and exceptional service or distinctive merit displayed by the men and women of the Canadian Police Services and was established in October 2000. It recognizes their commitment to this country with a primary focus on exceptional merit, contributions to policing and community development. The Board is proud that two members of the Executive Command Team were recognized in this manner for their work in policing in these challenging times.
Business Plan Consultation Findings
The Board and York Regional Police are currently in the process of developing the 2023-2025 Business Plan for York Regional Police. The development of the 2023-2025 Business Plan relies heavily on consultation with internal and external stakeholders, including municipal council, school boards, community organizations and groups, businesses and members of the public. The York Regional Police Member survey had a 38.7 percent response rate. The YRP member survey was conducted in various formats to encourage maximum participation. Findings from the internal consultation process include increase programs and opportunities for members; ensure transparent and consistent communication; expand flexible work arrangement options; address staffing shortages and increased workload; and ensure all tools and equipment are provided to staff to perform their duties; review internal practices and procedures to ensure they are equitable and inclusive.
The community survey had a response rate of 17.7 percent. The top issues that were highlighted by the community include increase positive interactions through programs and initiatives with community groups; increase police officer presence in neighbourhoods and at community events; implement road safety strategies to educate and address traffic concerns; expand officer knowledge of mental health and addiction; increase number of diverse police officers; increase information delivery to the community using inclusive mediums and increase transparency and accountability to strengthen relationships with citizens and community partners. Levels of satisfaction, confidence, trust and community safety trended over 90 percent satisfaction rate.
Top overall policing priorities differ from previous years and include property crime, auto theft, fraud, traffic safety and violent crime. Top traffic safety concerns are aggressive driving, speeding, distracted driving, impaired driving and pedestrian safety.
Feedback from consultations will shape the goals and objectives in the Board’s 2023-2025 Business Plan for York Regional Police. 2023 - 2025 Business Plan Consultation Findings
Semi-Annual Public Complaints Report
The Chief of Police reports to the Board on an annual and semi-annual basis with respect to public complaints against York Regional Police. During the first half of 2022, 93 complaints were filed against York Regional Police officers compared to 118 during the same period in 2021. Thirty-four (34) of those complaints were investigated in the first half of 2022. Five (5) complaints were unsubstantiated, sixteen (16) complaints were withdrawn, and three (3) complaints were resolved by way of informal resolution. Sixty complaints were not accepted by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (“OIPRD”) as they were deemed to be not in the public interest, frivolous, or more appropriately dealt with under another Act or law. In 2022, 39 percent of complaints were accepted, which has decreased from previous years. Accepted complaints have ranged from 39 to 51 percent in the last five years. The nature of many of the complaints against YRP relates to police procedure. Semi-Annual Report on Public Complaints.
Board Supports Donations
The Board approved donations in support of St. John’s Ambulance York Region and the Women’s Centre of York Region. St. John Ambulance York Region’s primary mission is to provide Canadians with high-quality first-aid training courses. The Women’s Centre of York Region is a non-profit organization serving women in York Region who have experienced violence, have limited income, or are disadvantaged in other ways. Both organizations rely on donations and fundraising to continue to provide their services to the community.
Next Regular Meeting of the Police Services Board
Date: Monday, November 7, 2021, at 9:15 a.m. and will be live streamed on YouTube. Further instructions on the broadcast will be posted on the Board website. All meetings will be held virtually until further notice.
Contact: Mafalda Avellino, Executive Director,
The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board is a seven-member civilian Board that oversees and governs the York Regional Police and is comprised of one member as Head of Municipal Council; three members are appointed by resolution of Regional Council and three by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
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